Keeping Your Child Safe at Nursery

Safeguarding children and providing children with confidence is everybody’s duty of care, Children must feel secure and safe with the staff team and peers. Having a cohesive team provides security and reliability of which children thrive. Children will have key people who have a stronger bond with a particular child, this enables the child to feel confident to talk to their key worker when they are unhappy or if they have any incidents to disclose.  All members of the team are trained in safeguarding to spot any signs of abuse, report and protect the child/ family. Every setting will have a head of Safeguarding who hold a higher level of training and has overall responsibility to provide a safe place, protect children from harm and support children to have the confidence to say no or talk about issues.


Safety and security are of the utmost importance within nursery settings, in order to provide a home from home environment for every child they must feel comfortable and safe. Creating a safe setting starts from the planning and layout of the rooms, there must be adequate space for children to freely explore and investigate, following this there must also be areas of the rooms where children can settle and play either independently or alongside others with minimal distraction. This supports the different learning styles of children.


All areas within the nursery have been thoroughly risk assessed looking at every element of the setting and routines, this is completed annually where all risks are reviewed including changes for the future. Daily checks are also completed before the nursery opens in order eliminate hazards and ensure only the safest of environments.


Staff are trained in Childcare and Education to provide a stimulating and encouraging setting; the training provides a deep knowledge of all aspects of child care from bottle feeding to school transitions and everything in between. Having this training enables the team to support every child in the setting with a range of different needs, interests and abilities. Other training includes, Safeguarding, Health and safety, First aid, Best practice, Equality and Diversity, Special Educational needs, Fire Safety and so many more.